Friday 5 December 2008

A new national treasure?

Graham Norton is to replace Sir Tel on Eurovision.

I suspect this is a mistake. Eurovision is so camp in and of itself that the straight - if wry, and increasingly well-refreshed - foil of Wogan's commentary was an essential element.

Even as he took the piss out of the acts, and especially out of the ludicrous national video inserts, Wogan's tone was entirely serious. If you didn't speak English, it didn't sound so different from a royal wedding.

I'm not sure Norton has the same range. I haven't seen his show for a while, but his earlier stuff was one-note camp. Nothing wrong with Eurovision as a big gay night out - on the red button, perhaps - but the joke is so obvious it's better left unsaid.

Still, if he pulls it off and manages the same longevity, the knighthood must surely follow. Unless some naughty person happens to send King Chaz a video of Carnal Knowledge.

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